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Text messaging is is fast becoming an effective method of communication internally within a business and externally with certain categories of customer. The key to success of text messaging for business is that the issuing of messages is easy to carry out, and that the messages are targetted to recipients who wish to receive the information.
We have developed a system for business called EasyText which achieves both the above success factors. This desktop application allows simple texting to recipients based on groups you have assigned them to. It can be sent to people based on a date/time you wish to remind them of.
EasyText can be set up on the PC of any number of users within your company. All charges will be billed to one pre-paid account. Data from other sources can be imported from MS Excel or text files. Your data remains secure on your PC - no uploading to third party websites.
Some customers generate customised messages to their field-based staff in seconds, incorporating information taken from their customer database (such as name, address, machine type, installation date, etc). This system has dramatically improved their ability to deliver efficient internal communication.
Other of our customers generate bulk messages and sends them to clients who have provided them with mobile phone numbers. These messages are targeted based on the "group" they have been allocated to. This has proven to be a very cost-efficient method of marketing to customers who are receptive to this method of communication.
By combining our technology with information held within your existing computer systems, you may find that text message generation may offer new opportunities to your company in cost reduction or revenue generation.
Please phone us at 087-2652697 or contact us by e-mail for more information or to arrange a no commitment demonstration.
NEW: We now offer a new service where you can send us a list of recipients plus the message content and we will send the message on your behalf. Please e-mail for further details.